
Math, Literature and History in a Dog's World

Age Calculator Snoopy Book Past Lives

Age Calculator

Determine your age, your pet's or your human's

Enter your Age:
Select your Species: Canine Feline Human

Dog Years Cat Years Man Years

Snoopy's Novel

A simple story writer by James Thiele.

This writes a very short novel in the style of Snoopy in the Peanuts® comic strip. Select the words/phrases you want, then press Write Novel to see it written below.

In happy memory of the "Master", Charles Schultz.

Past Lives

Who you were in your last past life?

To know the answer - just type in the DAY, MONTH, and YEAR you were born in PRESENT life.

For example:
January 1st, 1960 would be entered as - Month: 1   Day: 1   Year: 60

Month:   Day:    Year: